
  • Specialized in public transport bus parts
  • Matched Quality in fit and function
  • Competitive price level


About us


The experience:
In my 24-year career at the bus manufacturer Den Oudsten buses, I fulfilled various functions. Logistics manager, purchaser and parts manager. These functions were the basis for my entrepreneurs ambition, completed with my commercialism.

The start of the company:
On 1-1-2005 started MaQu parts a wholesale company for bus and truck parts. The challenge ..... delivering a specific program alternative parts, with a Matched Quality, but also for a very competitive price level.
Our new warehouse:
Since July 2009, we are located in our new building at Kuipersweg 2V in Woerden, the Netherlands.

Bedrijfshal _Ma Quparts

Our objectives:
1. Reliable supplier of high-quality alternative parts.


2. Achieving a high degree of customer satisfaction through an active and
    customer-friendly approach and an optimal service with a competitive
    price level.

3. Clear and honest business to entered a long-term relationship with customers
    and suppliers.

Our motto :  We say what we do and we do what we say.

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